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Calling All Modders: New Update for Pistol Mix Makes Modding Easier than Ever!

Pistol Mix, the official modding tool for Pistol Whip, recently received a new quality of life upgrade, which benefits both new and seasoned modders in the creation of their Remixed Scenes.

Official Scenes + Community Remixes = <3

Following a successful beta period, Pistol Mix officially launched on June 14th on Steam and, along with another highly-requested feature: to play User-Generated Content (UGC) directly in Pistol Whip on select headsets.

Since then, community members and modders alike have been able to create custom Remixed Scenes for other players that are showcased on and in-game. It’s thanks to this incredible community that the library of Pistol Whip content has grown exponentially, with over 90 different Remixed Scenes added to the over 30 official Scenes in the game.

New to Pistol Mix: The Play and Place System

This new feature, titled the “Play and Place System” allows both beginner and experienced modders to add enemies and obstacles to their Remix with the click of a button - literally.

Having trouble finding where to place enemies on the beat? We got you.

Want to add obstacles in a quick and easy way, so you can polish later? It’s never been easier.

While playing your chosen music track, you can now tap specific keys along the song’s beat to place enemies and obstacles in real-time.

Play and Place: Quick Guide

Placing Obstacles

a: Place sidestep: left*

s: Place sidestep: center

d: Place sidestep: right

w: Place short limbo**

Shift + w: Place tall limbo

*A sidestep is a tall pillar that will make the player move or weave side-to-side **A limbo is the shorter obstacle that will make the player squat or duck

Placing Enemies (with default sequence at mid-range)

u: Place upper left

i: Place above

o: Place upper right

j: Place left

k: Place center

l: Place right

m: Place lower left

.: Place lower right

Other Guides

New to modding or need a hand when creating your Scene? Or are you a more advanced modder and want to double-check your work?

Check out some of the other guides available on, including official guides as well as some fantastic guides created by the community.

And as always - we want your feedback! Are you a fan of the new Play and Place system? Have some other suggestions for the Pistol Mix tool to share with our developers to improve your modding experience?

Let us know by joining the modding community on our Discord or send us a message on social media (@PistolWhipVR).


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